January 2022 - Waiting can be very difficult
As hospital services resume to normal functioning and we can perhaps see much of the peak of COVID19 in the rear window, there appears to be a slight sting in the tail. Due to the prioritisation of healthcare services, many patients that have been waiting for life changing treatment are now having further delayed treatment.
Those patients with the greatest need and urgency are quite rightly being prioritised but that is little comfort for those patients that have affected quality of life from their chronic conditions and will have to endure further waits.
For some patients, seeking treatment in the private sector may be appropriate for them and their circumstances. It also has the indirect effect of reducing waiting lists within the NHS. If you are considering seeking an opinion on the private healthcare setting then please have a look through the website where there is plenty of information. We are able to offer the latest cutting-edge treatments in world leading private healthcare setting at The London Clinic.
Our in-house team will be able to direct you accordingly and arrange a consultation if you wish.
Take care
Manish Chand